Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Billy Bass Proposal: A compromise is reached.

Upon finding themselves with a budget surplus the University of Appalachia Mountain 2 gave their graduate students an entertainment budget. Wanting them to have some form of control over this budget the administration tasked one student with finding a board and holding elections to determine who would be on this board. Nominations were turned in and elections were held, resulting in a board of graduate students tasked with deciding how to spend their entertainment budget. After bickering over food or concert ideas Reginald Peterson proposed an idea, a simple idea. He called this proposal The Billy Bass Proposal.

“Alright, so we have 4000 dollars to spend. What If I told you I knew a guy who could get us 800 Billy Bass musical dancing bass for 4000 dollars?” The board was stunned. “I see you are speechless; I’ll take this as a signal that you want to know more.” Emily was not ready for what was about to occur. “Why on earth would we do this?” Reginald, having prepared for this proposal all morning, knew exactly how to answer this. “Think of your legacy. What are you going to be remembered for after you have left? No one will ever remember your paper on increased current flow in negative thermal gradient bodies of water. They will, however, remember Billy.” Reginald then produced a Billy Bass Singing and Dancing Bass from his bag, turned it on and let Billy do the talking.

Billy the Dancing and Singing Bass lulled the crowd and they hung on every word that magical plastic fish sang. “This is completely ridiculous,” Greg said from the back of the room. “We’ll have more fish at this school than students,” Andy added from behind Reginald. “Ok, I have to admit that would be awesome,” said Jennifer. The others were shocked. “Jen, how could you think that was awesome?” Greg asked. Jennifer thought about her response for a few seconds and said, “Everytime you walk by one of these fish, you’ll have to think, I did that.” Reginald smiled at the mysterious backup from Jennifer. “Wherever we place a bass we will be remembered. Every time someone sees a billy bass, Andy here will be remembered.” Reginald squeezed Andy’s shoulders for effect. Andy didn’t like the squeeze. He thought it was a little too light. However Andy did not express his concerns that Reginald might be a “closet queer” (his words not mine) well enough to the others in the meeting. Meanwhile, Greg thought the squeeze was supereffective; he was thinking of a compromise, and brought it up for the group’s consideration. “Reginald, I like it. However, I think we need to at least have a pizza party for the grad students to appear as though we have done something other than bought 800 talking bass.” In an attempt to quell any compromise Reginald started the Billy Bass up again. Its demands to “take it to the water” were met with unmoving determination for a pizza party. Reginald relented, “Alright, we’ll buy 760 Billy Basses and use the remaining funds to purchase pizzas for everyone next week. If everyone agrees we can have a vote on this.” With a vote of three to two the motion carried. Life at the University of Appalachia Mountain 2 would soon get fishy. To Be Continued…

Thursday, February 19, 2009

How Rap Saved America, Street Fighter.

riverscuomo172 (6:43:10 PM): chocolate town will live one day
funkothealmighty (6:43:51 PM): yes
funkothealmighty (6:44:01 PM): when you are as rich as michael jackson was
funkothealmighty (6:44:08 PM): and as crazy about chocolate
funkothealmighty (6:44:17 PM): as he was about children
riverscuomo172 (6:44:56 PM): we need to start writing pop hits to make this come true
funkothealmighty (6:45:05 PM): yes
funkothealmighty (6:45:13 PM): like baby lets go down to chocolate town
funkothealmighty (6:45:20 PM): everyone will think we are dirty
funkothealmighty (6:45:33 PM): but we'll know we are actually talking about a village made of chocolate
funkothealmighty (6:45:44 PM): and when the day comes that we finally build our chocolate town
funkothealmighty (6:46:00 PM): everyone will remark "Oh, well how about that."
riverscuomo172 (6:47:25 PM): "What a strangely literal pop album"
funkothealmighty (6:47:52 PM): almost like "The Constitution" by Ole Dirty Bastard
riverscuomo172 (6:50:32 PM): hahaha yes
funkothealmighty (6:57:09 PM): i would buy that album if it were to exist
riverscuomo172 (6:58:28 PM): with tracks like "I Am An Amendment" and "Everyone In Compton Is Legally Dead"
funkothealmighty (6:59:14 PM): yes, these are compulsary to my ratification of this album
riverscuomo172 (7:00:09 PM): it wins the Senate!
riverscuomo172 (7:00:14 PM): bonus round!
funkothealmighty (7:00:38 PM): crush federalists against this honda to gain more points!
riverscuomo172 (7:02:08 PM): should've picked E. Honda!
funkothealmighty (7:03:04 PM): he is a better representative
riverscuomo172 (7:07:21 PM): there is a new Street Fighter game coming out
riverscuomo172 (7:07:25 PM): and I vaguely want to buy it
funkothealmighty (7:08:27 PM): is it about how street fighting is illegal and kids shouldn't do it?
riverscuomo172 (7:09:24 PM): yeah that is the main message of the game
funkothealmighty (7:14:25 PM): thats good that they care about kids
riverscuomo172 (7:14:42 PM): yes each game comes with a surrogate parents
funkothealmighty (7:16:32 PM): and they like to yell
riverscuomo172 (7:17:24 PM): they only yell
funkothealmighty (7:18:26 PM): about inconsiquentle things
riverscuomo172 (7:19:43 PM): and eventually you have to fight them like in the game
funkothealmighty (7:20:10 PM): and they always win
riverscuomo172 (7:21:06 PM): yes because they can actually throw fireballs
riverscuomo172 (7:21:13 PM): and are built like Zangief
funkothealmighty (7:23:04 PM): and if you beat them you lose your college money
riverscuomo172 (7:24:23 PM): lol for no reason

The Post-apocalyptic Carl Jr. Administration

riverscuomo172 (10:02:54 PM): what is the best soft drink
funkothealmighty (10:03:03 PM): BLOOD
riverscuomo172 (10:03:16 PM): Carbonated blood eh
riverscuomo172 (10:03:26 PM): can you buy it in six-packs
funkothealmighty (10:03:41 PM): only at Hardee's
riverscuomo172 (10:05:22 PM): not Carl's Jr though
riverscuomo172 (10:05:25 PM): Carl hated it
funkothealmighty (10:06:06 PM): yeah
funkothealmighty (10:06:23 PM): he predicted the Blood market crisis
riverscuomo172 (10:06:51 PM): it was his one gift
riverscuomo172 (10:06:57 PM): everything else came from Jr.
funkothealmighty (10:07:28 PM): yes
funkothealmighty (10:07:35 PM): like the Big Burger Bailout
riverscuomo172 (10:08:56 PM): Burger Stimulus Plan of 03
funkothealmighty (10:09:19 PM): yes
funkothealmighty (10:09:27 PM): signed by George W Burger
riverscuomo172 (10:12:36 PM): the Angry Whopper was a rider on that bill
funkothealmighty (10:12:47 PM): yes
funkothealmighty (10:12:53 PM): the Whigs opposed it
riverscuomo172 (10:14:36 PM): King Lincoln was not enough to stop it
funkothealmighty (10:14:45 PM): man
funkothealmighty (10:14:54 PM): this magical burger mystery land is fucked up
riverscuomo172 (10:15:25 PM): and not conducive to children's board games about it
funkothealmighty (10:15:33 PM): no
funkothealmighty (10:15:59 PM): because 4 letter words are used all too often by the Burger legislature
riverscuomo172 (10:18:37 PM): and on game pieces
riverscuomo172 (10:18:58 PM): FUCK GRILL is not an acceptable name for "GO"
funkothealmighty (10:19:09 PM): lol
funkothealmighty (10:20:15 PM): it could be an adult board game
funkothealmighty (10:20:25 PM): but those don't sell well enough at fast food restaurants
riverscuomo172 (10:22:33 PM): maybe if we included them with combos
riverscuomo172 (10:22:42 PM): like those Sneak King games
funkothealmighty (10:23:24 PM): yes
funkothealmighty (10:23:27 PM): thats the ticket
funkothealmighty (10:23:31 PM): GIVE IT TO KIDS
funkothealmighty (10:23:38 PM): thats whats written in bold on the front of the box
riverscuomo172 (10:23:53 PM): PUT IT IN THEIR LUNCHES
funkothealmighty (10:24:52 PM): each one has a new sneaky message on it
riverscuomo172 (10:25:47 PM): TELL THEM IT'S FILLED WITH CAPRI SUN
funkothealmighty (10:25:58 PM): TELL THEM WHAT FUCK MEANS
riverscuomo172 (10:26:04 PM): (IT'S ANTIFREEZE)
riverscuomo172 (10:29:14 PM): MAKE THEM STEAL ELECTRONICS FOR YOU
funkothealmighty (10:29:29 PM): MAKE THEM FIGHT DOGS FOR FOOD
riverscuomo172 (10:30:38 PM): TEACH THEM TO HATE
funkothealmighty (10:31:03 PM): this is turning into a terrible terrible thing for america
riverscuomo172 (10:31:24 PM): we should have never listened to Carl
funkothealmighty (10:31:36 PM): no
funkothealmighty (10:31:48 PM): NEVER AGAIN CARL

On Email Etiquette

riverscuomo172 (11:43:10 PM): I am going to send the department a letter
funkothealmighty (11:43:17 PM): about?
riverscuomo172 (11:47:50 PM): reading
riverscuomo172 (11:47:50 PM): RE: Stop Words
funkothealmighty (11:47:59 PM): lol
funkothealmighty (11:48:05 PM): oooh
funkothealmighty (11:48:10 PM): gonna anger the administration
riverscuomo172 (11:48:48 PM): yeah!
riverscuomo172 (11:48:53 PM): they'll know why
funkothealmighty (11:51:04 PM): oh yeah?
riverscuomo172 (11:54:36 PM): haha they won't
funkothealmighty (11:54:47 PM): yeah
funkothealmighty (11:55:21 PM): i would think RE: Stop Words would be pretty cryptic
riverscuomo172 (11:57:26 PM): it would get spam filtered
riverscuomo172 (11:57:34 PM): along with C1AL1S
funkothealmighty (11:57:39 PM): lol
funkothealmighty (11:58:37 PM): oooh i should try that
funkothealmighty (11:58:44 PM): "oh i sent you the email"
funkothealmighty (11:58:57 PM): "Oh really i didn't get it what was the subject?"
funkothealmighty (11:59:06 PM): "Is your penis big enough for her?"
riverscuomo172 (12:02:03 AM): lolol yes
funkothealmighty (12:03:19 AM): math is so boring and terrible
riverscuomo172 (12:03:50 AM): write a novel about math wars
funkothealmighty (12:04:16 AM): THE FIGHT FOR BRIGADOON!
funkothealmighty (12:04:44 AM): the sub heading will be
funkothealmighty (12:05:09 AM): A journey through complex numbers (and feelings)
riverscuomo172 (12:05:55 AM): one chapter is called "Larry Bird's Bridge to Mathtown"
funkothealmighty (12:06:31 AM): another chapter "Why The Oceans Hate Joey Lawrence"
funkothealmighty (12:06:42 AM): critics will dislike the message it sends
funkothealmighty (12:06:48 AM): mainly because it has no math in it
riverscuomo172 (12:08:27 AM): "Too much Blossom, not enough numbers"
funkothealmighty (12:08:55 AM): exactly
funkothealmighty (12:08:59 AM): not enough six
riverscuomo172 (12:09:30 AM): "It feels like Connors is overcompensating for his sevens."
funkothealmighty (12:10:04 AM): this is a possible review
riverscuomo172 (12:12:33 AM): for a possible book

Timelove 2929

funkothealmighty (12:35:48 AM): YODEL
riverscuomo172 (12:35:52 AM): VERB
funkothealmighty (12:36:23 AM): word up jezzabelle
riverscuomo172 (12:37:04 AM): hey Grizzopolis
funkothealmighty (12:37:48 AM): ASTROLATHE
riverscuomo172 (12:38:20 AM): it's the caress of the future
funkothealmighty (12:38:48 AM): yes
funkothealmighty (12:38:58 AM): sent to an uncaring past
riverscuomo172 (12:39:36 AM): it will appreciate it once it catches up
riverscuomo172 (12:39:37 AM): which is never
funkothealmighty (12:41:01 AM): poor parallel timespace
riverscuomo172 (12:42:05 AM): it will never understand
funkothealmighty (12:42:29 AM): there needs to be a love song written from the future to the past
funkothealmighty (12:42:40 AM): about having the present stuck in between them
riverscuomo172 (12:43:10 AM): it will be called "Yes You Were Are"
funkothealmighty (12:43:50 AM): "We Won't Were Because You Are"
funkothealmighty (12:44:19 AM): eventually we'll get this
funkothealmighty (12:44:28 AM): time hurts my creativity
riverscuomo172 (12:45:02 AM): those crazy dreams
funkothealmighty (12:45:17 AM): i had a weird dream a while ago
funkothealmighty (12:45:23 AM): where i walked into my room
funkothealmighty (12:45:30 AM): and somebody looked at me and was scared
funkothealmighty (12:45:41 AM): and they said "THE HAND!" and pointed towards the window
funkothealmighty (12:45:54 AM): and there was a hand pressed up against the outside of the window
funkothealmighty (12:45:59 AM): and there was lightning behind it
riverscuomo172 (12:46:06 AM): did you trace the owner of the hand
funkothealmighty (12:46:10 AM): no
funkothealmighty (12:46:13 AM): it was a gloved hand
funkothealmighty (12:46:23 AM): gloved with a work glove
riverscuomo172 (12:47:05 AM): and can control lightning
funkothealmighty (12:47:55 AM): yes
funkothealmighty (12:48:02 AM): which is far more frightening
riverscuomo172 (12:49:08 AM): it's the dream of terror
funkothealmighty (12:49:26 AM): yes


riverscuomo172 (11:11:52 PM): Jazzercide!
funkothealmighty (11:12:11 PM): is this when you kill jazz?
funkothealmighty (11:12:16 PM): because you would be a hero to me
riverscuomo172 (11:12:17 PM): or kill to jazz
funkothealmighty (11:12:25 PM): that would be a nightmare
riverscuomo172 (11:12:26 PM): whichever you prefer
funkothealmighty (11:12:39 PM): well its obvious what i prefer
riverscuomo172 (11:12:56 PM): and you can do that
funkothealmighty (11:13:12 PM):
funkothealmighty (11:13:53 PM): ha ha ha ha
riverscuomo172 (11:14:15 PM): I am going to move my boogie body to homicidal rhythms
funkothealmighty (11:14:32 PM): this would be the worst death
riverscuomo172 (11:14:51 PM): let's do ittttttttt
funkothealmighty (11:14:59 PM): wait until 2:11
funkothealmighty (11:15:41 PM): this is almost like sex with a southern baptist
funkothealmighty (11:15:55 PM): "we are getting hot now!"
funkothealmighty (11:16:15 PM): "That's not my penis."
riverscuomo172 (11:16:51 PM): so many random grunts
riverscuomo172 (11:16:52 PM): and yelps

Bawk Bawk Beyond Cluckodome

funkothealmighty (10:44:48 PM): THE FUTURE IS HERE!
riverscuomo172 (10:46:50 PM): IN THREE TO FOUR MONTHS
funkothealmighty (10:47:28 PM): WE'VE SAID TOO MUCH!
riverscuomo172 (10:49:47 PM): PLUCKERS PARADOX
funkothealmighty (10:49:57 PM): PLUCKERS
funkothealmighty (10:49:59 PM): PLUCKERS
funkothealmighty (10:50:12 PM): WE HAVE A FEW PROBLEMS AT THE CLUCKODOME
riverscuomo172 (10:51:04 PM): only Tina Turner can save us now
funkothealmighty (10:51:37 PM): is she still alive?
riverscuomo172 (10:51:51 PM): in the Cluckoverse
funkothealmighty (10:52:19 PM): oh well thats good
riverscuomo172 (10:53:33 PM): yeah it's a necessary part of Pluckosophy
funkothealmighty (10:54:07 PM): Tina Turner being a clucking bitch
riverscuomo172 (10:55:42 PM): Master Plucker
funkothealmighty (10:56:37 PM): I wonder what the requirement for that degree is
riverscuomo172 (10:57:55 PM): experience the 80s

Sunday, February 15, 2009

This Is Why The Future Has To Wait

wes71685 (1:38:43 AM): I need a robot me
wes71685 (1:38:46 AM): that does all the lame stuff
wes71685 (1:38:58 AM): like I'm about to get into an argument
wes71685 (1:39:07 AM): "hold on"
wes71685 (1:39:10 AM): "robot me, activate!"
wes71685 (1:39:17 AM): then he just tells me how it went
funkothealmighty (1:39:42 AM): lol
funkothealmighty (1:39:44 AM): later
funkothealmighty (1:39:58 AM): "I gave him your savings to calm him down."
funkothealmighty (1:40:05 AM): "Wait what?! Robo-me!"
wes71685 (1:40:19 AM): making terrible decisions
wes71685 (1:40:57 AM): "you and your wife are divorced"
wes71685 (1:41:05 AM): "I decided to just kill the police officer"
wes71685 (1:41:21 AM): "I bought the car for $3000 over sticker price"
wes71685 (1:41:38 AM): "you got a demotion instead of a promotion"
wes71685 (1:41:54 AM): "you're dating a real real ugly girl"
wes71685 (1:42:22 AM): "I think you're wanted for robbery"
funkothealmighty (1:42:22 AM): ha ha ha
funkothealmighty (1:42:27 AM): it makes terrible decisions
funkothealmighty (1:42:36 AM): but it can also determine beauty
funkothealmighty (1:42:38 AM): somehow
wes71685 (1:42:41 AM): ha ha

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I get a new nickname, Richard discovers he may not be the best lover.

Mrmuppy (12:19:34 AM): yea, well that's your new name
Mrmuppy (12:19:37 AM): Ben-Jammin'
funkothealmighty (12:19:46 AM): ok
funkothealmighty (12:19:52 AM): when was this decided?
Mrmuppy (12:19:52 AM): imagine someone says
Mrmuppy (12:19:59 AM): quickly, who are you, and how did you spend your afternoon?
Mrmuppy (12:20:04 AM): and you can respond "Ben-Jammin'"
Mrmuppy (12:20:09 AM): and deal with both questions simultaenously
funkothealmighty (12:20:14 AM): HA
funkothealmighty (12:20:24 AM): my name is my past
Mrmuppy (12:20:30 AM): haw
Mrmuppy (12:22:55 AM): "baby, you ready for this?"
"I dunno, my husband might be -"
"Oh god! My placenta!"
"Say my name! And also say the activities I have engaged in"
funkothealmighty (12:23:09 AM): ha ha ha
funkothealmighty (12:23:20 AM): if i get alfred and cleaning up after batman
funkothealmighty (12:23:25 AM): I'll know something is wrong
Mrmuppy (12:23:30 AM): hahahaha
Mrmuppy (12:23:34 AM): god
Mrmuppy (12:23:45 AM): I'm imagining a hundred hilarious answers to that
Mrmuppy (12:23:50 AM): as women fantasize about other men
Mrmuppy (12:23:52 AM): while you jam them
Mrmuppy (12:24:13 AM): "david bowie! weaing codpieces!"
Mrmuppy (12:24:29 AM): "ohhh kissinger, assassinate more asians for me!"

Dawkins vs. Kissinger

funkothealmighty (12:28:17 AM):Richard Dawkins is not a scientist
Mrmuppy (12:28:18 AM):he can just as easily be in a dildo
funkothealmighty (12:28:22 AM):NOW HOW DO YOU FEEL
Mrmuppy (12:28:40 AM):umm... he pretty provably is a scientist
funkothealmighty (12:29:09 AM):yeah but the fake kind
Mrmuppy (12:29:13 AM):oic
Mrmuppy (12:29:14 AM):like kissinger
Mrmuppy (12:29:16 AM):not really a dr
funkothealmighty (12:29:20 AM):as you start moving away from math
Mrmuppy (12:29:23 AM):he was a doctor of DEATHOLOGY
funkothealmighty (12:29:27 AM):you have less science
Mrmuppy (12:29:35 AM):actually, little known fact, Kissinger was in a metal band
Mrmuppy (12:29:39 AM):called Kissinger and the Doctors of Death
funkothealmighty (12:29:45 AM):little known fact
funkothealmighty (12:29:50 AM):Kissinger is my GRANDFATHER
funkothealmighty (12:29:53 AM):FUCK YOU RICHARD
Mrmuppy (12:29:55 AM):OH NOES!
funkothealmighty (12:29:56 AM):FUCK YOU
Mrmuppy (12:29:59 AM):CAN WE STILL BE FRIENDS!?!
funkothealmighty (12:30:15 AM):ONLY IF YOU SAY IM A HELL OF A STATESMAN
funkothealmighty (12:30:23 AM):AND DENY THE EXISTANCE OF CAMBODIA
Mrmuppy (12:31:05 AM):NO MATH

St. Valentine of confusion

artzachary (7:52:30 PM):ben what kind of valentines day gift says "i like you, but i'm completely confounded by our relationship"
funkothealmighty (7:52:46 PM):a hot dog inside a donut
artzachary (7:52:56 PM):hm
artzachary (7:53:03 PM):you might just be right about this
funkothealmighty (7:53:06 PM):with a note that says "I'm confused about this."
artzachary (7:53:09 PM):lol
artzachary (7:53:12 PM):awesome
funkothealmighty (7:53:12 PM):oh wait
funkothealmighty (7:53:19 PM):no thats my valentines gift
artzachary (7:53:23 PM):whatever
artzachary (7:53:24 PM):i can use it too

Meg Ryan in: ROBOSOUTH

funkothealmighty (2:50:27 PM): JC WHITNEY
riverscuomo172 (2:50:37 PM): ROBOCOTTON
funkothealmighty (2:50:55 PM): Won't you let JC Whitney into your house?
funkothealmighty (2:51:07 PM): he only wants to industrialize it
riverscuomo172 (2:51:08 PM): who is he and what does he want in my home
funkothealmighty (2:51:16 PM): he is a man of action
funkothealmighty (2:51:20 PM): and he wants it bad
riverscuomo172 (2:51:32 PM): man I know that feeling
funkothealmighty (2:51:35 PM): are you gonna give it to him?
riverscuomo172 (2:51:48 PM): I will give of my industry to him
funkothealmighty (2:52:27 PM): YOU CHOSE
funkothealmighty (2:52:29 PM): POORLY
funkothealmighty (2:52:45 PM): JC Whitney is gonna strike bust your balls
riverscuomo172 (2:52:56 PM): I KNEW DANIEL PLAINVIEW WAS A LIAR
funkothealmighty (2:53:05 PM): ehh
funkothealmighty (2:53:08 PM): you live and learn
riverscuomo172 (2:53:16 PM): well now I have no home
riverscuomo172 (2:53:21 PM): but I do have a dream
funkothealmighty (2:53:27 PM): I don't have a dream
funkothealmighty (2:53:33 PM): but i do love industry
funkothealmighty (2:53:41 PM): I will let this man into my house
funkothealmighty (2:54:02 PM): and thats how the west was won
funkothealmighty (2:54:11 PM): and how i got this wicked tattoo!
riverscuomo172 (2:54:34 PM): Those were all really good stories and now I am going to make an anthology out of them
funkothealmighty (2:54:44 PM): what will you call it?
riverscuomo172 (2:56:25 PM): The Cotton Gin Is For Fruits You Bastards: Ben Connors 2009-2009
funkothealmighty (2:56:58 PM): ha ha ha ha
funkothealmighty (2:57:23 PM): will it have a picture of a steam shovel crushing an old woman dressed as the statue of liberty on it?
riverscuomo172 (2:57:45 PM): yes and a fake Oprah's Book Club sticker on there for big $$$$
funkothealmighty (2:57:53 PM): oooh
funkothealmighty (2:57:56 PM): good trick
funkothealmighty (2:58:18 PM): it will take her at least 2 weeks to figure out what we're doing to her prescious book club
riverscuomo172 (2:58:19 PM): yes it is the money machine
riverscuomo172 (2:58:38 PM): she will send her Oprah goons after us
funkothealmighty (2:58:58 PM): brb
funkothealmighty (2:59:03 PM): gotta learn how a computer works
riverscuomo172 (2:59:08 PM): k
funkothealmighty (2:59:39 PM): false alarm
riverscuomo172 (2:59:53 PM): was the computer already dead
funkothealmighty (3:00:02 PM): yeah
funkothealmighty (3:00:05 PM): i shot it
riverscuomo172 (3:00:11 PM): good move
riverscuomo172 (3:00:20 PM): never give them the confidence of knowing where you are
funkothealmighty (3:00:24 PM): yes
funkothealmighty (3:00:33 PM): because then they'll think you are in love with them
riverscuomo172 (3:01:06 PM): and that is the worst crime of all
funkothealmighty (3:01:11 PM): LOVE
funkothealmighty (3:01:34 PM): expecially if you are in love with Meg Ryan
funkothealmighty (3:01:37 PM): IN TIME!
riverscuomo172 (3:02:02 PM): Joe vs. the Volcanosphere
funkothealmighty (3:03:03 PM): Sleepless in The Great Train Robbery
funkothealmighty (3:03:29 PM): oh I mean
riverscuomo172 (3:03:34 PM): You've Got Congo
funkothealmighty (3:03:37 PM): You've got Andromeda strain
funkothealmighty (3:03:38 PM): fuck
funkothealmighty (3:03:40 PM): you beat me
riverscuomo172 (3:03:41 PM): hahahaha
funkothealmighty (3:03:46 PM): mines better
riverscuomo172 (3:03:55 PM): yeah I will agree with that
riverscuomo172 (3:04:00 PM): When Harry Met Jurassic Park
funkothealmighty (3:04:03 PM): ha ha ha
funkothealmighty (3:04:09 PM): wow
funkothealmighty (3:04:14 PM): meg ryan doesn't have much range
riverscuomo172 (3:05:09 PM): nope
riverscuomo172 (3:05:16 PM): she was in Courage Under Fire
funkothealmighty (3:05:20 PM): oooh
funkothealmighty (3:05:25 PM): Kate and Terminal Man
riverscuomo172 (3:09:08 PM): Proof of Airframe
funkothealmighty (3:10:18 PM): oooh
funkothealmighty (3:10:20 PM): good one

Friday, February 6, 2009

Live it how you get it.

artzachary (7:39:36 PM): i have to go clean up his apartment
artzachary (7:39:43 PM): because we laid wast to it last night
funkothealmighty (7:40:13 PM): i heard
funkothealmighty (7:40:17 PM): he said you got drunk and naked
funkothealmighty (7:40:25 PM): so i imagined queertimes
artzachary (7:41:06 PM): yeah
artzachary (7:41:07 PM): it was real gay
funkothealmighty (7:41:22 PM): this is not helping any of you
artzachary (7:41:23 PM): but hey
artzachary (7:41:26 PM): get it how you live right
artzachary (7:41:29 PM): live how you get it
funkothealmighty (7:41:36 PM): what does that even mean?
artzachary (7:41:49 PM): it means
artzachary (7:41:50 PM): reach for the sky
artzachary (7:41:53 PM): keep on trucking
artzachary (7:41:59 PM): no i think it means neither of these things
artzachary (7:42:06 PM): but i heard it in a rap song and sometimes i toss it into conversation
artzachary (7:42:11 PM): on the off chance that it might apply
funkothealmighty (7:42:18 PM): eventually your gonna get a dick in the ass, so it might as well be your friends
funkothealmighty (7:42:23 PM): i think thats what it means
artzachary (7:42:28 PM): alrgith
artzachary (7:42:28 PM): wow
artzachary (7:42:30 PM): alright&
artzachary (7:42:48 PM): if dick in the ass is an unavoidable eventuality then i guess that's valid
funkothealmighty (7:42:55 PM): yeah
funkothealmighty (7:43:04 PM): im gonna use that with the next girl im with
artzachary (7:43:09 PM): haha
artzachary (7:43:15 PM): try to use it
artzachary (7:43:16 PM): the rap way first
artzachary (7:43:24 PM): if she's down then she'll totally get it
artzachary (7:43:37 PM): and youa re in
funkothealmighty (7:43:38 PM): "LIVE IT HOW YOU GET IT! YAAAAAAH"
funkothealmighty (7:43:46 PM): ::FUCKS HER IN THE ASS::
funkothealmighty (7:43:56 PM): "OH MY GOD NO WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"
artzachary (7:44:09 PM): lolol
funkothealmighty (7:44:23 PM): "Rap has failed us."
artzachary (7:44:29 PM): "rap has failed her"
funkothealmighty (7:44:33 PM): yeah
funkothealmighty (7:44:34 PM): more her
artzachary (7:44:39 PM): much more
artzachary (7:44:42 PM): like a whole lot
funkothealmighty (7:44:48 PM): yeah
funkothealmighty (7:44:56 PM): and im not really affected at all
funkothealmighty (7:44:57 PM): so yes
funkothealmighty (7:45:02 PM): the us is completely incorrect

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Jimmy Dean Saga

riverscuomo172 (12:48:31 AM): James Joyce had traveled through time to save books but now we've killed him in the present
riverscuomo172 (12:48:54 AM): it's like the best Ray Bradbury short story ever
funkothealmighty (12:49:07 AM): lol
funkothealmighty (12:49:23 AM): what about Ham Hawk Overdrive
riverscuomo172 (12:50:06 AM): is that a story or a new Jimmy Dean frozen breakfast item
funkothealmighty (12:51:51 AM): its a story told on a Jimmy Dean frozen breakfast item
funkothealmighty (12:51:58 AM): you have to purchase them in chapters
funkothealmighty (12:52:04 AM): they are in the frozen books section
riverscuomo172 (12:53:59 AM): if you don't preheat them properly you lose whole sections of the plot
funkothealmighty (12:54:28 AM): wait why have the space truckers lost the transmission to delicious baked sausage tube mountain?
riverscuomo172 (12:55:16 AM): I'm going to need to buy another package of "JIMMY DEAN CH. 5 WELCOME TO THE FLAVOR ZONE MR. PRESIDENT" before I can really know
funkothealmighty (12:57:43 AM): "JIMMY DEAN CH. 6 A RECAP OF OUR DELICOUSNESS" isn't worth it
riverscuomo172 (12:58:34 AM): yeah they went too much for a sodium metaphor and left it too packed with old flavor
funkothealmighty (12:58:44 AM): ha ha ha
riverscuomo172 (1:01:08 AM): do you think Jimmy Dean has ever considered food storytelling
funkothealmighty (1:02:39 AM): i bet it came up at a a board meeting
funkothealmighty (1:02:43 AM): but was shot down
funkothealmighty (1:03:19 AM): by the gravy lobbyist
riverscuomo172 (1:05:09 AM): it's very difficult to have coherent narratives in the gravystream
funkothealmighty (1:05:48 AM): yes
funkothealmighty (1:06:12 AM): gravy is more of a performance piece
riverscuomo172 (1:07:08 AM): I agree

Oasis Topless Bank

funkothealmighty (9:23:59 PM): if my bank was a strip club then i would like going to the bank
wes71685 (9:24:02 PM): ha ha ha
funkothealmighty (9:24:04 PM): hmmm
funkothealmighty (9:24:17 PM): im gonna write that idea down
wes71685 (9:24:31 PM): DO IT
funkothealmighty (9:24:32 PM): topless tellers
wes71685 (9:24:45 PM): that might result in mistakes
funkothealmighty (9:24:51 PM): would you tip them though?
wes71685 (9:24:55 PM): ha ha
wes71685 (9:25:02 PM): I don't know
funkothealmighty (9:25:05 PM): endless questions
wes71685 (9:25:07 PM): if you don't you'd have to pay 'em better
wes71685 (9:25:50 PM): are the desk sitting people topless?
wes71685 (9:26:05 PM): also, how do you find girls smart enough to do things and be topless?
funkothealmighty (9:26:07 PM): no
funkothealmighty (9:26:17 PM): they have tassels
wes71685 (9:26:21 PM): ha ha ha

Sunday, February 1, 2009

So you can get the post entitled LAST RESORT!

watch this:

2 out of 3 dentist recommend ASSASSINS!

artzachary (6:48:19 PM):BEN how often do you brush your teeth
artzachary (6:48:25 PM):also hello
funkothealmighty (6:48:29 PM):2 times a day
funkothealmighty (6:48:32 PM):sometimes more
artzachary (6:48:36 PM):ok
artzachary (6:48:38 PM):good
funkothealmighty (6:48:41 PM):why?
artzachary (6:48:59 PM):i'm looking at this internet forum where people claim that they only brush once in a week
artzachary (6:49:03 PM):and my very humanity is shaken
funkothealmighty (6:49:14 PM):...
funkothealmighty (6:49:19 PM):maybe
funkothealmighty (6:49:25 PM):they are actually assassins
funkothealmighty (6:49:30 PM):or get in fights alot
funkothealmighty (6:49:34 PM):and when they bite someone
artzachary (6:49:41 PM):it's like poison
funkothealmighty (6:49:44 PM):they want to be like a heela monster
funkothealmighty (6:49:46 PM):yeah
funkothealmighty (6:49:50 PM):exactly
funkothealmighty (6:49:55 PM):this is my hypothesis
artzachary (6:50:00 PM):ok i hope you are right
funkothealmighty (6:50:09 PM):would that make it better?
artzachary (6:50:20 PM):not really but
artzachary (6:50:26 PM):maybe it would just be different
funkothealmighty (6:50:41 PM):like your faith in humanity would still be there
artzachary (6:50:56 PM):i already have very limited faith in humanity
funkothealmighty (6:50:57 PM):but now you would be on the look out for bad breathed assassins
funkothealmighty (6:51:13 PM):because they are more dangerous than regular assassins
artzachary (6:51:18 PM):right
artzachary (6:51:27 PM):it's at least more unpleasant
artzachary (6:51:30 PM):when they assasinate you
artzachary (6:51:38 PM):which makes it worse
funkothealmighty (6:51:41 PM):because you die a slow death

The play by post chess players learn some awful truths

funkothealmighty (11:03:00 PM):i told football it could fuck itself when I was 10 and couldn't understand the rules
artzachary (11:03:19 PM):that's why i kept up with baseball
artzachary (11:03:28 PM):easier rules
funkothealmighty (11:04:11 PM):i see
funkothealmighty (11:04:43 PM):when i was 10 I used to play "Water down Dad's beer so he doesn't beat you as hard after the football game is over"
artzachary (11:05:44 PM):i used to play "hide the hose in case a ref makes a bad call"
funkothealmighty (11:06:48 PM):that sounds like a game I use to play with Margie when I was 16
funkothealmighty (11:07:07 PM):MARGIE WAS A BOY!
artzachary (11:07:20 PM):duh duh duuuuuuuhhhhh
funkothealmighty (11:07:28 PM):I HID THE HOSE IN HIS ASS!
funkothealmighty (11:07:34 PM):THE HOSE WAS MY PENIS!
artzachary (11:07:56 PM):WAIT
artzachary (11:08:01 PM):JUST SO WE ARE ON THE SAME PAGE:
artzachary (11:08:09 PM):YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT SODOMY, YES?
funkothealmighty (11:08:20 PM):IT WAS ILLEGAL THEN, BUT YES!
funkothealmighty (11:08:37 PM):HEY DO YOU HAVE ANY FLOUR PERCHANCE?
artzachary (11:08:58 PM):YES, IN FACT
funkothealmighty (11:10:42 PM):YOU ARE THE BEST CHESS PARTNER EVER